Jumat, 16 September 2011

Suku Dogon: Suku Primitif di Afrika dengan Pengetahuan Kosmologi Tinggi

Suku Dogon merupakan salah satu suku kuno Afrika. Dahulu mereka hanya dikenal sebagai salah satu penghuni benua Afrika, tapi pengetahuan mereka tentang kosmologi telah membuat peradaban mereka menjadi misteri.

Sesuatu yang jauh di luar jangkauan peradaban manusia purba telah mereka lakukan. Inilah misteri tentang Suku Dogon dan bintang Sirius.

Awal Mula Misteri Suku Dogon Suku Dogon sebagai salah satu suku yang mendiami pedalaman Afrika Barat Prancis (pada awal abad ke-20, semua daerah Afrika barat menjadi milik Prancis, sehingga dikenal dengan Afrika Barat Prancis). Suku Dogon bukanlah suku yang suka mengumbar tentang kebudayaan mereka dan pengetahuan mereka ke hadapan publik.

Tetua Kepala Suku Dogon

Awal mula pengetahuan rahasia mereka terkuak, dimulai ketika seorang ahli Antropologi dari Prancis menghabiskan 16 tahun dari masa hidupnya untuk mempelajari kebudayaan Suku Dogon.
Marcel Griaule adalah ahli antropologi berkebangsaan Prancis yang menghabiskan 19 tahun untuk mempelajari kebudayaan Afrika. Dari 19 tahun tersebut, 16 tahun di antaranya digunakan untuk mempelajari secara khusus tentang kebudayaan suku Dogon. Dari sinilah misteri tentang secret knowledge of Dogon’s mulai lebih dipertanyakan publik.

A 'Togu Na' - 'Rumah Ilmu' Suku DOgon

Pengetahuan Rahasia Suku Dogon Tepat pada tahun 1947 ketika Marcel telah 16 tahun berada di tengah-tengah suku Dogon, Marcel didekati oleh para tetua-tetua suku. Para tetua-tetua suku kemudian mengatakan kepadanya jika mereka akan menceritakan kepadanya tentang pengetahuan rahasia suku Dogon.

Pengetahuan yang bahkan oleh sebagaian besar masyarakat suku Dogon tidak tahu. Mereka menganggap Marcel telah terlalu lama menaruh minat terhadap mereka, sehingga mereka merasa layak untuk memberikan penghormatan kepada Marcel dengan menceritakan sesuatu dari suku mereka yang sangt rahasia.

Suku Dogon Menceritakan Pengetahuan Rahasia


Pada hari itu juga adalah pertama kali suku Dogon menceritakan pengetahuan rahasia mereka kepada orang luar dengan cara yang sudah menjadi tradisi mereka secara turun-temurun dari generasi ke generasi mereka. Menceritakan semua pengetahuan tentang alam, suku, bahkan kepercayaan mereka secara lisan, tidak ada surat-surat kuno untuk dibacakan, hanya secara lisan.

Cincin Saturnus Dari semua hal yang diceritakan para tetua suku Dogon kepada mereka, salah satu hal yang paling menarik adalah pengetahuan mereka tentang kosmologi. Mereka menceritakan bahwa permukaan bulan sungguh kering dan tandus, menceritakan tentang Saturnus sebagai planet yang memiliki cincin, menceritakan tentang Jupiter (yang mereka sebut Dana Tolo) sebagai planet yang memiliki empat bulan (satelit) besar.

Mereka juga sudah tahu jika galaksi kita, galaksi Bima Sakti adalah galaksi bintang yang berbentuk spiral, dan mereka juga sudah tahu jika planet-planet dalam galaksi ini bergerak dalam orbit elips mengelilingi matahari. Dari kisah inilah juga diketahui jika suku Dogon memiliki penghormatan khusus untuk bintang Sirius. Mereka tahu jika bintang yang selalu bersinar paling terang di malam hari ini sebenarnya bukan hanya satu, tetapi terdiri dari 2 bintang kembar.

Mereka kemudian melanjutkan deskripsi mereka tentang bintang sirius dengan panjang lebar. Bintang paling terang yang biasa kita lihat adalah bintang Sirius A, merupakan bintang paling besar sekaligus yang paling terang dari 2 bintang kembar tersebut, yang disebut suku Dogon sebagai ’Sigi Tolo’.

Sirius A dan Sirius B

Bintang sirius A ini diorbit oleh bintang yang lebih kecil dari sirius A, sirius B yang oleh suku Dogon disebut Po Tolo atau juga dikenal degan Digitaria. Suku Dogon percaya jika bintang kecil ini adalah benda yang paling berat di alam semesta karena terbuat dari sebuah bahan metal yang mereka sebut Sagala.

Bintang Po Tolo ini akan mengorbit Sigi Tolo setiap 50 tahun dalam sebuah orbit elips. Suku Dogon juga mengklaim jika ada bintang ketiga dalam sistem bintang ini yaitu, emme ya, yang berarti matahari para wanita.

Bintang ini dideskripsikan sebagai bintang yang memiliki berat 4 kali lebih ringan daripada Po Tolo, bergerak ke arah yang sama di dekat Sigi Tolo tapi dengan orbit yang lebih besar.Emme ya dikatakan memiliki satelit atau planet sendiri yang disebut Goatherd (gembala kambing) atauthe star of women (bintang para wanita).
Semua ini tergambar dalam topeng sigui tua yang berumur 400 tahun yang mewakili kosmologi. Semua pengetahuan di atas dideskripsikan dari pengetahuan rahasia suku Dogon kepada Marcel.

Kedatangan Nommo, Dewa Amfibi 5000 tahun Yang lalu

Mereka mengklaim semua pengetahuan di atas adalah pengetahuan turun-temurun. Mereka percaya bahwa semua pengetahuan di atas berawal ketika sekitar 5.000 tahun lalu, sebuah kapal dewa datang bersamaan dengan munculnya api dan guntur.

Kapal itu membawa para Nommo, dewa yang digambarkan bisa hidup di darat dan air dan berwujud setengah ikan. Para Nommo inilah yang dipercaya para tetua suku Dogon telah mendirikan peradaban suku Dogon sekaligus mewarisi pengetahuan tentang kosmologi di atas dan mengenai surga.

Makalah Marcel Griaule mengenai Dogon yang ditulis bersama rekannya, Germaine Dieterlen, dipulikasikan pada tahun 1950. Makalah itu disebut A Sudanese Sirius System. Marcel kemudian meninggal di Paris pada tahun 1956 karena serangan jantung. Ketika Marcel Griaule meninggal, suku Dogon juga mengadakan upacara khusus bagi orang mati sebagai tanda penghargaan yang tertinggi bagi pria ini dari suku Dogon. Pada tahun 1965 kemudian, sebuah buku mengenai Dogon oleh Marcel dan Dieterlen diterbitkan. Buku tersebut dinamakan Le Renard Pale atau The Pale Fox.
Kosmologi Versi Modern Kita semua tahu bahwa bulan kering dan tandus, apalagi sejak hebohnya pendaratan pertama manusia di bulan. Kita juga tahu jika planet Saturnus memiliki cincin dan Jupiter memiliki 4 bulan (satelit) raksasa, tapi berapa banyak dari Anda yang tahu jika bintang yang selalu terlihat terang pada malam hari terdiri dari 2 bintang kembar?

Bintang sirius A memang dapat dilihat dengan mata telanjang, tapi bintang sirius B tidak akan kelihatan dengan mata telanjang. Bintang sirius B baru ditemukan sains modern pada tahun 1862 oleh Alvan Graham Clark.

Alvan Graham Clark
sumber : http://www.kaskus.us/showthread.php?t=10408960

Official: Plane problems may have caused NV crash

RENO, Nev. (AP) — A vintage World War II-era fighter plane plunged into the grandstands Friday during a popular annual air show, killing at least three people, injuring more than 50 spectators and creating a horrific scene strewn with body parts and smoking debris.
The cause of the crash wasn't immediately known, but an official with the event said there were indications that mechanical problems were at play.
The plane, flown by a renowned 74-year-old air racer and movie stunt pilot, spiraled suddenly out of control and appeared to disintegrate upon impact. Bloodied bodies were spread across the area as people tended to the victims and ambulances rushed to the scene.
Maureen Higgins of Alabama, who has been coming to the show for 16 years, said the pilot was on his third lap when he lost control.
She was sitting about 30 yards away from the crash and watched in horror as the man in front of her started bleeding after a piece of debris hit him in the head.
"I saw body parts and gore like you wouldn't believe it. I'm talking an arm, a leg," Higgins said "The alive people were missing body parts. I am not kidding you. It was gore. Unbelievable gore."
Among the dead was pilot Jimmy Leeward, 74, of Ocala, Fla., a veteran airman and stunt pilot who named his P-51 Mustang fighter plane the "Galloping Ghost," according to Mike Houghton, president and CEO of Reno Air Races. Officials earlier said Leeward was 80.
Renown Regional Medical Center spokeswoman Kathy Carter confirmed that two others died, but did not provide their identities.
Stephanie Kruse, a spokeswoman for the Regional Emergency Medical Service Authority, told The Associated Press that emergency crews took a total of 56 injury victims to three hospitals. She said they also observed a number of people being transported by private vehicle, which they are not including in their count.
Kruse said of the total 56, at the time of transport, 15 were considered in critical condition, 13 were serious condition with potentially life-threatening injuries and 28 were non-serious or non-life threatening.
"This is a very large incident, probably one of the largest this community has seen in decades," Kruse told The Associated Press. "The community is pulling together to try to deal with the scope of it. The hospitals have certainly geared up and staffed up to deal with it."
The P-51 Mustang crashed into a box-seat area in front of the grandstand at about 4:30 p.m., race spokesman Mike Draper said. Houghton said Leeward appeared to have "lost control of the aircraft," though details on why that happened weren't immediately known.
Houghton said at a news conference hours after the crash that there appeared to be a "problem with the aircraft that caused it to go out of control." He did not elaborate.
He said the rest of the races have been canceled as the NTSB investigates.
KRNV-TV weatherman Jeff Martinez, who was just outside the air race grounds at the time, said the plane veered to the right and then "it just augered straight into the ground."
"You saw pieces and parts going everywhere," he said. "Everyone is in disbelief."
Tanya Breining, off Hayward, Calif., told KTVU-TV in San Francisco: "It was absolute carnage. ... It looked like more than a bomb exploded."
Another witness, Ronald Sargis, said he was sitting in the box seat area near the finish line. The box seat area holds 300 to 400 people, while the main grandstands area holds several thousand.
"We could see the plane coming around the far turn — it was in trouble," Sargis told KCRA-TV in Sacramento. "About six or seven boxes down from us, it impacted into the front row."
He said the pilot appeared to do all he could to avoid crashing into the crowd. Response teams immediately went to work, Sargis said. After the crash Sargis went up a few rows into the grandstand to view the downed plane.
"It appeared to be just pulverized," he said.
Leeward, the owner of the Leeward Air Ranch Racing Team, was a well-known racing pilot. His website says he has flown more than 120 races and served as a stunt pilot for numerous movies, including "Amelia" and "Cloud Dancer."
In an interview with the Ocala (Fla.) Star-Banner last year, he described how he has flown 250 types of planes and has a particular fondness for the P-51, which came into the war relatively late and was used as a long-range bomber escort over Europe. Among the famous pilots of the hot new fighter was WWII double ace Chuck Yeager.
"They're more fun. More speed, more challenge. Speed, speed and more speed," Leeward said.
Houghton described Leeward as "a good friend. Everybody knows him. It's a tight knit family. He's been here for a long, long time," Houghton said.
The National Championship Air Races draws thousands of people to Reno every year in September to watch various military and civilian planes race. They also have attracted scrutiny in the past over safety concerns, including four pilots killed in 2007 and 2008. It was such a concern that local school officials once considered whether they should not allow student field trips at the event.
The competition is like a car race in the sky, with planes flying wingtip-to-wingtip as low as 50 feet off the sagebrush at speeds sometimes surpassing 500 mph. Pilots follow an oval path around pylons, with distances and speeds depending on the class of aircraft.
The FAA and air race organizers spend months preparing for air races as they develop a plan involving pilot qualification, training and testing along with a layout for the course. The FAA inspects pilots' practice runs and brief pilots on the route maneuvers and emergency procedures.
Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev., issued a statement saying he was "deeply saddened" about the crash.
"My thoughts are with the families of those who have lost their lives and with those who were wounded in this horrific tragedy," he said. "I am so grateful to our first responders for their swift action and will continue to monitor this situation as it develops."
Associated Press writer Cristina Silva contributed.

Eat only McDonald's for a month...and run a marathon? One woman's crazy challenge.

Emily with her marathon mascot. (courtesy of Emily Helm/mcrunnerette.com)
You’d think after "Supersize Me", nobody would ever attempt a month-long McDonalds-only diet again. ButBig Macs make people do crazy things. Again. Andagain.

The latest to try the Morgan Spurlock meal plan is Emily Strunk-Helm, a 36-year-old Arizona native with a self-described "passion" for the golden arches. Here’s the hitch: she’s also training for a marathon.

On September 8th, she began a 31-day rigorous runner's regimen in preparation for the Long Beach Marathon on October 9th. For fuel, she’s eating only off the McDonald's menu, “especially my favorites -- Cheeseburgers, Chicken Nuggets and French Fries,” she writes on her blog, appropriately titled McRunnerette.

The reason she’s putting herself through this is noble; she’s hoping to raise $10,000 for the Ronald McDonald house. So far she’s got about $2,300 so she’s a long way from her goal (help her out here) and the stakes are high.

Only one person has accomplished this bizarre and counterintuitive feat. Chicago-area athelete Joe "McRunner" D'Amico finished the Los Angeles Marathon in 28th place after his 30-day McD's challenge in March.

Helm is following his regimen, allowing bottled water and energy supplements as the only sustenance outside of fast food. She doesn't plan to beat his under-3 hour time, but she will break his record. McRunnerette has added an extra day to her eating regimen.

So far, her training hasn’t been easy. After the first day of fast food and a five mile run, she got sick. “How does one get a cold in the middle of summer?” she wrote in her training log. Aside from the cold which forced her to skip a few days of training, she's fielding another big problem.

"My stomach was growling a few times during the day," she writes. "I think the hardest part of this challenge will be making it to McDonalds enough times during the day to satisfy my hunger."  While the menu items offer a lot of calories, they don’t satiate for long.

Here's a sample of what she'll eat on an average day:

1 Fruit and Yogurt Parfait
1 Chocolate Chip Cookie
1 Hot and Spicy McChicken Sandwich
1 Small French Fry
2 Large Diet Cokes
1 Large Vanilla Cone
1 Crispy Chicken Ranch Wrap
1 Medium French Fry
1 Apple Pie

While she's getting the high-carolie diet required for training, she's also getting a lot of extra stuff, like, er, silly putty. And trans fat. Runner’s World health reporter Sally Wadyka warns of the hidden dangers of trans-fat-laden processed foods that athletes think are safe to consume because of their calorie-burning regimen. "[Trans fat] not only increases bad, artery-clogging cholesterol, but also actually lowers levels of the heart-protecting good cholesterol,” she explains.  That means no matter how much you burn, you’re still vulnerable to heart disease. If Spurlock’s heart palpitations, on day 20 of his experiment, are any indication, the side-effects can come on fast.
McRunnerette does have exercise on her side, unlike the "Supersize Me" director. She's also taking precautions; she’s got a doctor on call to monitor her health during and after the challenge. But she isn't cutting out the fries.  As of Wednesday she’d already eaten 3 smalls, and 5 mediums. 

Gen Y's $2 Million Retirement Price Tag

Twentysomethings will need to save much more than their parents did for retirement
Retirement won't be impossible for Generations X and Y, but they will need to save considerably more than the baby boomers to make up for less employer and government help. Fewer young people have access to generous retirement benefits, including traditional pensions and retiree health insurance. And anyone born in 1960 or later must wait an extra year, until age 67, to claim the full amount of Social Security they are entitled to. Those who claim at the same age their parents did will get less. Here are some ways 20- and 30-somethings can get on track to retire comfortably.
More from USNews.com: 

• 10 Places to Retire on Social Security Alone 

• The 10 Most Difficult Retirement Decisions 

• Best Places to Retire
Set a worthy goal. In a 2010 survey of 226 registered investment advisors commissioned by Scottrade Advisor Services, more than three-quarters (77 percent) suggested a retirement savings goal of at least $2 million for members of Generation Y, defined by the study to include those ages 18 to 26. Sixty-eight percent of the investment advisers said members of Generation X should also aim to save more than $2 million. "For a generation Y person who thinks she wants to retire at around age 70 who is going to have slightly above-average annual expenses, $2 million is probably the right number," says Michael Farr, president of the Washington, D.C., investment firm Farr, Miller, & Washington and author of A Million Is Not Enough: How to Retire With the Money You'll Need. But he cautions, "Most people who have high incomes and the ability to set aside $2 million will likely have more expensive lifestyles."
However, other studies have found that young people may be able to get by on less in retirement. Human resources consulting firm Aon Hewitt calculated that Generation Y workers, who it defines as people ages 18 to 30, will need 18.7 times their final pay for retirement, including Social Security, traditional pension plans, and personal savings, to maintain their current standard of living after retirement at age 65. For someone whose final salary is $75,000, that's just over $1.4 million, and Social Security will provide part of that. For Generation Xers ages 31 to 45, Aon Hewitt estimates they will need 16.1 times their final salary to pay for retirement. "A higher earner will probably continue to spend more in retirement," says Janet Tyler Johnson, a certified financial planner and president of JATAJ Wealth Management in Fitchburg, Wis. "It's really dependent on how much you need in retirement."
Take advantage of employer help. Getting to $2 million will take some effort, even if you start saving early. A 25-year-old will need to save about $7,405 annually, or $142 per week, to get there over 40 years, assuming an 8 percent annual return. Retirement account contributions from your employer will make it much easier to hit your retirement savings goal. If your employer matches your 401(k) contributions with $2,000 per year, you'll only need to save $104 per week to have $2 million by age 65, again assuming an 8 percent annual return.
Control costs. Minimizing investment fees and expenses will help you to grow your nest egg faster. That's because high expense ratios on mutual funds can have serious drag on your long-term returns. Getting a 7 percent annual return instead of 8 percent over a 40-year career (because you are paying 1 percent in yearly fees) means you will need to save $2,255 more per year to still hit $2 million by age 65. Index funds generally charge much less in annual fees than actively managed mutual funds. "If I didn't manage my own money, I would buy a S&P 500 index fund because it is low cost," says Farr.
Get a Roth IRA or 401(k). Roth 401(k)s and IRAs allow young people, who are likely to be in a low tax bracket, to pre-pay taxes on their retirement savings. "Young folks are in a lower tax bracket now than they will be in the future, including when they begin to tap into their retirement savings," says Joe Alfonso, a certified financial planner for Aegis Financial Advisory in Lake Oswego, Ore. "You're giving up the current tax deduction, but you are basically getting tax-free retirement income that would otherwise be taxable in the future." Once your contribution is made with after-tax dollars, that money can continue to grow for the rest of your life without the drag of taxes. If you wait until age 59½ to withdraw the money, you won't have to pay taxes on any of the growth.
Maximize Social Security. Social Security provides a base level of income that your retirement savings should build upon. Take steps to maximize the amount you get by making sure you have at least 35 years of earnings under your belt before you sign up for payments, so that zeros won't be factored into your calculation. And carefully consider the age at which you begin to claim benefits. Payouts increase for each year of delayed claiming between ages 62 and 70.
Don't plan on retiring at 65. A male born in 1946 can expect to live 18 years after retirement at age 66, according to Social Security Administration projections. Men born in 1980 should plan for at least a 19.3 year retirement, after the higher retirement age of 67. For women, the average projected length of retirement jumps from 20 years for those born in 1946 to 21.2 years for those born in 1980. And these are just the averages. "Generation Y's life expectancy is going to be a lot longer," says Farr. "They have to fund more years of retirement than the old financial planning models built in."
Of course, you don't have to retire at age 65, or at what the Social Security Administration defines as the full retirement age, which is 66 for most baby boomers and 67 for younger people. Working a few extra years gives you more time to save, allows your investments a longer time to compound, and reduces the number of retirement years your savings must finance. If you're 25 now and willing to work until age 70, you could reach $2 million by saving just $95 per week, assuming an 8 percent annual return and not even counting the 401(k) match.
Don't get hung up on the number. How much you need to save for retirement largely depends on your expenses. If you're willing to pay off your mortgage before retirement, move to a smaller house or low-cost area of the country, and live a modest lifestyle, you may find a way to get by on less. Conversely, those who want a lavish retirement will need to save more. "If you've got a goal based upon assumptions about inflation and rates of return, it's actually counterproductive, because those numbers can be pretty big, especially for young folks," says Alfonso. "It's more important to focus on the things that you can control, such as the percent of your gross income that you save and to really focus on your career and moving up the salary chain."

Brad Pitt Does Damage Control After Dissing Jennifer Aniston

Brad Pitt should just stop doing interviews -- or answering questions about Jennifer Aniston, at the very least. Pitt's comments to Parademagazine about his failed first marriage are shockingly honest yet extremely hurtful to a woman (Jen, duh) who'll spend her entire life being compared to Angelina Jolie (which really sucks for Jen, because Angie will always win).
"I spent the '90s trying to hide out, trying to duck the full celebrity cacophony," Pitttells Parade. "I started to get sick of myself sitting on a couch, holding a joint, hiding out. It started feeling pathetic. It became clear to me that I was intent on trying to find a movie about an interesting life, but I wasn't living an interesting life myself. I think my marriage (to Jennifer) had something to do with it. Trying to pretend the marriage was something that it wasn't."
In damage-control mode, Pittattempts to clarify his comments in a statement, telling Us Weekly: "It grieves me that this was interpreted this way. Jen is an incredibly giving, loving, and hilarious woman who remains my friend. It is an important relationship I value greatly. The point I was trying to make is not that Jen was dull, but that I was becoming dull to myself -- and that, I am responsible for."
Nearly seven years after leaving Aniston for Jolie, whom he gushes is "such a great mom," Pitt should know well enough to quit pouring salt on the wound. Or doing interviews.

Norway: Cruise ship in danger of tilting over

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OSLO, Norway (AP) — Rescue teams pumped water from the hull of a Norwegian cruise ship that listed dangerously Friday, a day after a fire on board killed two crew and forced the evacuation of 260 other people, officials said.
Police Chief Jon Steven Hasseldal said the ship had been tilting at an angle of 21.7 degrees, which is over what is considered a critical line of 20 degrees.
Despite the list, a Dutch salvage team managed to place three pumps inside the vessel on Friday morning.
"At the moment it looks promising," Hasseldal told reports at the dockside. "It's still a serious situation ... but now there is a bit more stability in the ship."
A fire in the engine room of the MS Nordlys on Thursday morning caused the evacuation of the ship before it was due to arrive at Aalesund, 230 miles (375 kilometers) northwest of the capital of Oslo. All 207 passengers were evacuated safely into lifeboats or after it docked.
Two crew were found dead in the engine room while nine others were admitted to hospital, two of whom had serious injuries, including burns and smoke inhalation. Three rescue workers were treated for mild injuries from inhaling smoke.
Police said they suspected an explosion in the engine room but did not know what caused it.
"Nothing indicates sabotage or points to terror," said Trygve Oedegaard, head of operations at the Aalesund police.
Thick black smoke billowed from the stern of the ship, operated by the Hurtigruten line, when it sailed into Aalesund. Police sealed off parts of the town as smoke engulfed nearby buildings.
Passengers said the evacuation was orderly and calm.
"It was a well-organized evacuation," Danielle Passebois-Paya, a French tourist, said. "The crew did a really good job. Everything was calm and went smoothly. There was no panic."
Hurtigruten said it was organizing emergency passports and providing money for the passengers who had to leave their belongings on board during the evacuation.
The shipping line's CEO Olav Fjell said that finding alternative transport for those who wanted to continue their journey would be difficult.
"Our other ships are fully booked so it has been difficult for us to find alternatives for those who would like to continue their journey," Fjell said.
Salvage teams worked through the night but were forced to leave the ship as it continued to tilt. They resumed pumping operations from outside after holes were drilled into the hull to enable insertion of hoses.
Hasseldal said that a floating crane was also being used to stabilize the tilting vessel.
The MS Nordlys is one of 12 Hurtigruten vessels that ply Norway's craggy coast on the popular 1,500-mile (2,500-kilometer) route to the northern town of Kirkenes, high above the Arctic Circle and near the Russian border.

Kekuatan Sentuhan Hilangkan Stres

Kekuatan Sentuhan Hilangkan Stres

Sentuhan adalah satu-satunya dari lima indera yang tidak terpengaruh oleh usia. Saat kita menua, indra penciuman menjadi kurang tajam, indra perasa menjadi sulit membedakan, indra pendengaran menurun dan penglihatan memerlukan bantuan, tetapi indra peraba kita tidak pernah berubah. Malah, kebutuhan untuk menyentuh dan disentuh meningkat.
Sesungguhnya manusia terlahir dengan kebutuhan akan sentuhan. Jika bayi dan anak-anak kurang sentuhan, maka mereka akan tumbuh menjadi anak yang kurang peka dan sulit berempati pada orang lain.
Bukan hanya manusia, mamalia lain juga menyukai sentuhan. Ada banyak penelitian ilmiah pada orang utan, simpanse, kucing, atau anjing yang menunjukkan efek yang sangat berbeda antara bayi hewan-hewan itu ketika mereka banyak disentuh dan yang miskin sentuhan.
Diane Ackerman, penulis buku A Natural History of the Senses, menyebutkan peraba adalah indra dengan fungsi dan kualitas yang unik. Sentuhan akan berpengaruh pada seluruh organisme.
"Sentuhan lima kali lebih kuat dari kata-kata dan kontak emosional. Tidak ada indra lain yang mudah dibangkitkan selain lewat sentuhan," katanya.
Jika sentuhan dirasa tidak menyenangkan, tidak akan ada spesies. "Seorang ibu tidak akan menyentuh anaknya jika mereka tidak merasa hal itu menyenangkan. Jika kita tidak suka disentuh dan menyentuh, mungkin tidak akan ada seks," kata Saul Schanbergh.
Sebuah penelitian juga menunjukkan sentuhan dari pasangan yang dicintai memiliki kekuatan dua kali lipat dalam melawan stres. Sentuhan dan rasa nyaman yang diciptakan juga meningkatkan imunitas dan mempercepat kesembuhan.
Semakin bertambahnya usia, membuat kebutuhan akan rasa dicintai pun meningkat. Kita perlu belajar memberi sentuhan melalui pelukan, ciuman, atau berpegangan tangan pada orang yang kita cintai karena kebutuhan akan perasaan dicintai dan tidak sendiri merupakan salah satu cara manusia bertahan hidup.